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Weekly Favorites - August 19

Weekly Favorites - August 19

1. I'm always looking for a good face wash, and this one fits both of my requirements: 1) affordable and 2) clean ingredients! I've been using it for almost 2 weeks, and it's been good to my skin! 

2. I've been enjoying this novel so far. I had heard great things, and so far it is really good! I'll keep you updated on if it goes South or gets even better! 

3. I recently found this shirt for Owen through my friend Molly, and I can't wait for him to wear it to school! 

4. Is there anything cuter than a kid in Ked's? These are hand-me-downs, but he looked so cute going to school today with them on! 

5. I got this facial roller last week after having massive headaches almost every day, and it's amazing. Stick it in the freezer and roll all over your face when feeling pain or having extra puffiness!


Previous article Weekly Favorites - May 10

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