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Weekly Favorites - February 27

Weekly Favorites - February 27

1. I just finished this book over the weekend (thank you B for allowing me time to clean), and I absolutely loved it. I listened to most of it in a day, and I will be choosing it for a book of the month choice! But if you can't wait, you should add it to your TBR list! 

2. We made this soup the other day, and it was a little spicy and super yummy! It was sooo easy to just throw everything into the crockpot before I left for work, too! Also, if you aren't using our grocery planning pad, you really should be! 

3. I finally made the switch from a Fitbit to an Apple watch, and gah. I love it so much. It's even a secondhand one, but I am still in love. Let me know your tips and tricks! 

4. We watched this movie the other night, and we really thought it was cute. If you need a sweet rom-com, we think you'll love it! 

5. Trying these two meals from Kate at Naptime Kitchen this week because of my friend Mary's recommendation! I'm started following her, and she's just a delight on the internet.

Previous article Weekly Favorites - March 10


Cheryl Tyler - February 28, 2023

Groove Life on Main Street in Spring Hill makes beautiful bands for Apple Watches, among other things. They have an amazing guarantee. Anything happens to it, bring it in and they will replace it. Just before Christmas, in the past few years at least, they have a buy one, get one (either half price or for free, not sure off hand). Hope you enjoy your watch as much as I do mine!

Penelope - February 27, 2023

Hey I love your Owen and Amos bracelets ❤️ and if your band on your watch “bugs”you, check out “Solace bands” …pricey, but comfortable!

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