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Winter Warmth Challenge: Week #3

Winter Warmth Challenge: Week #3

Make a Winter Wonderland

Just because there's snow inside doesn't mean it will feel cold!

When we opened our retail shop in 2017 we didn't have a ton of money to decorate the space for Christmas so Bryson grabbed a bunch of printer paper and started cutting paper snowflakes like Buddy the Elf. Before you knew it, the place looked like a winter wonderland strung up with paper snowflakes! It's now become a tradition at our shop and our home. Just look at that picture above at our friend Sarah's house. She leaves those up all year!

After the warmth of Christmas decor, it's hard to immediately wipe out all that cheer from our house. So, why not carry on the spirit by decorating with some winter flare! 

Your challenge this week is spending some time with your family cutting out paper snowflakes and stringing them all over your home. Maybe even save some of those strand lights for added warmth! 

Easy Peasy Snow Flake Directions
Here's a link to a quick video on how to make paper snowflakes. Hope it helps!

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Not video savvy. Here's a link to a read-along tutorial

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Photo Credit: Sarah B Gilliam Photography

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