Weekly Favorites - April 17
Bryson is all about barefoot shoes these days, and he found these shoes recently and loves them! They are super affordable, too! And don't get him started on why they are better for your feet because it will be a very long conversation ;)
I finished this book last week, and it was a sweet story. This author is also from Nashville which makes it even more fun in my opinion! It's a good beach read if you're planning a trip this summer.
This might be old news to some of you, but with nursing I feel like I'm constantly thirsty. I have been trying this electrolyte drink, and so far I've been impressed! I like that it's not individual tubes, so it feels less wasteful!
We moved the boys to the same bedroom this weekend, and both beds actually fit! We did purchase this for next to Owen's bed, and it's perfect! We don't have to worry about him being shocked, and we still have our plugs! It would be perfect if you have a bed up against a wall but still want use of your outlets!
It's Target's car seat trade-in week if you need a new one and didn't realize it was going on! This booster seat came highly recommended by friends, and I was able to snag it with the extra coupon for like $65! I felt like I was the savings queen in line while checking out!
**This post includes affiliate links, and I so appreciate you shopping my links! We make a small commission off of your clicks and purchases which helps our little fam!
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