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Weekly Favorites - April 26

Weekly Favorites - April 26

I did a deep dive last week on our Instagram about using a disc and/cup during your period, and I had a lot of comments/questions about it! So, I created a list of my favorite period products, and maybe I'll write a blog post soon about them! But until then, I have a highlight on our Instagram about our conversation!

I have strep again for the 3rd time in a couple of months (don't worry, I'm being referred to an ENT), but I am pulling out all the stops of new toothbrush heads, new toothpaste, and I bought some of this to help disinfect my water bottles because y'all know I love a good water bottle!

Ever get tired of blowing bubbles? Yeah, me too. So, we purchased this bubble machine over the weekend, and it's a favorite of both of our kids. The best $10 I've spent in a long time.

I am really enjoying this Vitamin C serum in my morning skincare routine! It smells divine, and it adds just the right amount of glow to my skin before my sunscreen and makeup!

If your kiddos are Bluey fans, have you listened to the newest Bluey Album? It's so good, and we have enjoyed listening to it this week!

Previous article Weekly Favorites - May 10

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