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Weekly Favorites - July 13

Weekly Favorites - July 13

Y'all! You need this dress! Amos got sick all over me on the 4th, so Bryson's grandmother let me borrow it to wear. I loved it so much that I immediately ordered one for myself. It's comfy, hits my knees, and has pockets! Win win! AND it's only $9.98! I bought a medium, but the large also worked when I got it from Grandma Dot! 

I've been listening to this album a lot lately, and I just love it. It's clean for you to listen around kids and upbeat for some good summer tunes! 

We recently went to this splash pad, and it was such a fun morning! I got there a little later than I had wanted, but I was still able to snag a table. The boys loved it after warming up to the idea, and then the playground afterward was a big hit! 

I talked about this on Instagram stories last week, but if you aren't using this app/website, you really should be! You basically get cash back to your favorite stores without doing really anything extra. You can add it to your browser, and it will remind you that there's cash back to that store or not. Sometimes, it will even tell you if there's a coupon that you may not know about!

With this pregnancy, I seem to be having all the acne on my body and face. So, I've been loving these for sleeping in. I'm late to the game like usual, but they are a game changer! 

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Next article Weekly Favorites - July 6

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