Weekly Favorites - November 22
We made this soup last night, and it was so yummy and easy! I bet you have a lot of the ingredients on hand, too!
This is my absolute favorite sugar cookie recipe, and I wanted to make sure you had it before the holiday season really ramps up! They are a little more dense and thicker than regular ones, but we really enjoyed them last year!
I'm reading this Christmas book, and so far I'm really enjoying it. It's not your typical romance so far, and I truly wish I could stay awake a little longer to keep reading!
I stripped a rug this weekend that we had considered just getting rid of because it was so stinky and smelly, but I think that I cured it using this method! It's taken a few days to dry, but it's been rainy and colder. Can't wait to try it out in our foyer tonight!
We got this a few years ago for Christmas, but goodness, it has been life-changing especially since we have a van now. I am trying to stay on top of things and just use it a little every day if I can!
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