Get to know Little Things Studio
If you’ve been to our shop lately, you know how much we love all things hymns. Our sweet friend, Kate, has an amazing line of prints, cards, and now tea towels that make you want to sing all the hymns right in the store. There’s something about hymns, and the way we can all connect with them: whether it’s a special memory of a grandparent, growing up in church, or your mama sang it to you every night.
Kate’s use of colors and design are spectacular. She really has an eye for the perfect color and her florals are my very favorite. One day I want her to have a fabric line, and I will make all. the. quilts with it. She’s from Mississippi, so if you follow her on Instagram, you’ll immediately fall in love with her accent. Her wit and sass are a favorite of mine as well. She’s real and honest on her Insta stories, and that’s to be commended in this day and age of constant comparison with those you follow online. She’s definitely a favorite maker we know, and we love the relationship we are constantly making with her!