My Favorite Skincare/Hair Care Products
This is my absolute favorite shampoo and conditioner. Last time, I wanted to find something a little cheaper, and I honestly was so glad to be finished with it. I think it makes my hair look and feel so much healthier. It's also what my stylist uses when I got to the salon! I also find that using this heat spray makes a huge difference, too!
I use this lotion religiously all year long. It makes all the difference with the care of my hands, but when it gets super cold, I have to layer it at night with something like this, too!
I have been using this for several months, and I really love the way it makes my face feel morning and night. I also think it's helped with my complexion, too!
I use this oil instead of lotion on my legs (and other dry body parts), and it's a game changer for me (we sell this in the store in our refill station)!
I also use this when I'm shaving my legs, and it seems to help with my extremely dry skin issues! I shower at night, so I don't have too many problems with the oil getting on things!
I use this nightly to wash my face, and then I follow up with this eye cream and this moisturizer. I also have found using this twice a week helps my complexion and getting rid of dry skin!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a little glimpse into my routine of life. I am always an open book when it comes to products and things, so if you have any questions, I'd love to answer them for you!
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