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Weekly Favorites - January 12

Weekly Favorites - January 12

1. I'm already 2 books into 2021, and I have really enjoyed both of the ones I've finished so far! This one was perfect for this week with the snow, and it's a super fast read! Here's my list of books from 2020 if you want some inspiration! 

2. I am always on the lookout for the best stain remover for stains for Owen's clothes, and this stuff is amazing. It took out a stain that I had been working on for a couple of weeks, and it was gone after one use of this stuff! 

3. I've been living in these since it finally got cold here in Tennessee! 

4. I've really been enjoying this dairy-free creamer lately! I have been on the search for my favorite, and this one is at the top so far! 

5. We watched the first episode of this show this weekend, and it was really funny! I can't wait to watch more, and Bryson has a major crush on Ted Danson. 

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