Weekly Favorites - April 12
I wanted a streamline way to show you some of our favorites for our home, and I finally created an Amazon Storefront! I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with new things that we've purchased/tried and true...
I wanted a streamline way to show you some of our favorites for our home, and I finally created an Amazon Storefront! I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with new things that we've purchased/tried and true...
1. I'm still on my audiobook kick, and I just finished this one last night. I loved it. It's another 5 star read from me. I enjoyed April's storyline, and I thought the ending was perfect. If you like character...
1. Owen got a marble run for Christmas, and I'm gonna be honest...I'm not smart enough to build it. And he desperately wanted to play with it. So, I caved and purchased this one, and it's GREAT! 2. I'm a big fan...
Back to your regular weekly blog programming! 1. I'm almost finished with this book, and it was the perfect spooky romance for the season. I am a wimp when it comes to scary books, but I have enjoyed the magical...
1. We had our monthly book club meeting last week, and we decided to read this book for October. I'm so excited because it has a ton of good reviews, and I have heard it's not too scary or anything...
1. Autumn = soup season in our household, and we made this one last night! It was quite tasty and a crowd pleaser since Owen loves "noonles." I just added some macaroni at the end when everything was cooked. 2....
1. Owen's favorite book at the moment is this sweet book about a daddy getting the moon for her! We got it from our library, but this is a great deal to buy it for your littles! 2. We made this...
1. I know I've talked about this one before, but the newest season comes out on Friday, and we are so excited about it. After watching this show, you just want to be a better person. So, if you haven't...
1. Reading - I started this book over the weekend for our book club, and I'm devouring it! It's a heartbreaking story, but I'm loving the main character and her resilience! 2. Drinking - I've had this before, but yesterday...